
Need Prayer? .... We would love to pray for you! Send us a message for your prayer needs.
CRA Africa Missions trip October 2024! Jeannie will be leading a CRA team on another Missions trip to Malawi AFRICA this fall/winter. God is doing AMAZING things!!!

Welcome to CRA Ministries, Int'l

Christ Redeemer Anointed One Ministry; Christian Rodders & Racers Association; CRA Hot Rod Camps, Int'l; CRA Ministries, Int'l-AFRICA; Victory Conferences; OMEGA Correspondence Bible Course and so much more, going forward for the Glory of God.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord!”       ~Psalm 20:7  

Welcome and thanks for stopping in to visit our website. As you look through the site you will be able to gain a better understanding of ‘Who We Are’ and ‘Why We Exist’. God continues to faithfully reveal His plans and direction (for it is ever unfolding) and we in turn are blessed to be able to bring them to your attention within the CRA website.

Devotionals - A CRA Moment

A Tool Not Meant for Use!

New Testament writer James, writing about FAITH reminds us of four key targets to aim […]

August 12, 2022

The Mender of Broken Hearts!

Have you encountered situations in life you didn’t feel prepared to tackle?  Maybe you’ve felt […]

August 5, 2022

Like a Flat Tire!

I’m just making what can be called, ‘an educated guess,’ and that guess is, if […]

July 31, 2022


In Matthew 25:40 it tells us... And the King will answer them, "I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me." With your great faithfulness and generosity, CRA Ministries is able to bless various needs within our community and around the world.