Like a Flat Tire!

I’m just making what can be called, ‘an educated guess,’ and that guess is, if being completely honest with one another, we will agree how much the impact of a good attitude has to do with adding, or taking away peace in our lives. While unable to quote words Charles Swindoll once said close to these. Attitude is more important than our past, our education, our failures or successes, money, circumstances, or whatever else some people think, say, or do.  Attitude is even more important than appearance, or even skills we may have, and attitude can either make or break a company no matter the size, or a home, and even a church.

The Apostle Paul had much to say about ‘attitude’ we read in his writings in Ephesians 4:23. He had much to say to the church folk at Ephesus who were considered a “group of believers, rich beyond measure in Jesus Christ…” and those in Philippi, yet were hindering the work that was before them. To Ephesus he wrote “…to be made new in the attitude of your minds…” (NIV).  To Philippi he wrote in chapter 4:2 ((NIV), “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.”  Peter, then penned in his words after Paul had done, saying much the same, and to “Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude,”(3:8). Then in (4:1) he wrote, “Since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude he had….”

It was back in 2002 when radio and TV host Larry King was interviewing Art Linkletter that he asked Art about the longevity of marriage for the then 66 years he and his wife were enjoining.  Art responded, “I always say yes to anything she says.”  King then asked him, “so how do you stay happy?”  Art’s words are to be remembered!  “When she’s happy, I’m happy!”  For those who are married you’ve surely already learned that marriage works best when the two of you understand that it’s not about making yourself happy, but about making the other person happy!  Again, Paul pretty well sums it up with his words to the church in Rome saying, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

Even at my age, I remember my mother speaking words to me…I know it was to me since I was the only kid in the house…and I don’t think we even had a dog at that time.  While you may have already heard those words from ‘your mother,’…just in case not, here they are…as a remembrance to all!

“It’s a funny thing but true, the folks you don’t like, don’t like you. I don’t know why this should be so, but just the same I always know, that when I’m sour, friends are few, when I’m friendly, folks are too.  I sometimes get up in the morn, awishin’ I was never born, and then I make cross remarks, a few, and then my family wishes it too, that I had gone some other place. But then I change my little tune, and sing and smile, and then the folks around me sing and smile, I guess it was catching all the while.  It’s a funny thing, but true, the folks you like, sure like you.”

As I read the words, she said it reminds me that a bad attitude could be said to be likened to a flat tire…you won’t get anywhere until you change it!  That’s really good, don’t you agree?

Blessings, Psalm 20:7 Dale & Jeannie