Guessing what? Guessing that it’s probably been a while since you have read through the thirty-six chapters of the Old Testament book of Numbers! While the description found in some Bibles explaining what is behind the book itself, its often described, that it is the “book of wanderings!” If that were to be the title of the book, I would also make a guess that it would not be a book that would first pique your interest. At the same time, it’s possible that Numbers might gain more importance to you if you were to hear that the lesson of Numbers reveals the experiences the Israelites went through, turning an 11-day journey into a 40-year time of agony.
In all honesty, there is a great deal to learn if we will read, or, if it’ s been awhile, to re-read Numbers as a refresher course. Take for instance chapter six where we read afresh the law of a Nazarite. Also, it’s in this chapter the oft quoted blessing some pastors pray over their congregation at the close of their Sunday message. You’ll remember it for it contains these words: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you; and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Then there’s more good things as you read on through the following 30 chapters. However, for this CRA Moment I would like to focus on just the one verse we just read…verse 6… “The Lord lift up his countenance, (‘His face’ as defined in the NLT & other translations) and give you peace.”
For a Jewish person, three-times a day, every morning, afternoon, and evening, as they end their time of prayer it is often with the words for the repair of the world for the Kingdom of Heaven. That all people of the earth would come to know the One true God, the God of Israel, and the Bible. The One and only God that holds within His hand the power and authority to meet every need of every person on the planet.
Agreeing that He is actually just that, yet with all the overwhelming needs out there have you ever wondered since He is all-powerful, why doesn’t He simply step in and fix all the problems? Why does He allow suffering to continue, not just in our nation, but suffering taking place over all parts of this earth?
Back to verse 6, it makes good sense when we as his created beings would lift up our face to Him, however, this verse states, “The Lord lift up His countenance (face) to us!” God is the powerful One in this, and all situations! Why would He “lift” up his face to us when it ought to be you and me that is lifting up our face to Him?
I believe we find this answer! He is waiting for us…He is looking expectantly for us…He is depending on us to take action! God lifts up His face to us and wants us to be His partners in doing our part to tell others about Jesus, who not only provided freedom for Barabbas on that fateful day, but for (Dale, and for…place your name next to mine) by dying as a sacrifice for all, for the sins of humanity. Because He bore the Cross you and I deserve, we are now able to have an eternal “peace” and home in heaven that we don’t deserve.
Complete truth!
Blessings, Psalm 20:7 Dale & Jeannie